When applied filters provide a filtered perspective of the data and they can work in combination.

Top level filters by default are:

  • Campaign Name
  • Date
    • Today
    • Yesterday
    • This week - 00:00:00 Monday morning – 23:59:59 Sunday
    • Last week- 00:00:00 Monday morning – 23:59:59 Sunday

    • This month - Calendar month

    • Last month - Calendar months

    • Last 30 days - Rolling 30 days

    • YTD - 1st Jan of the current year to Today

    • Last Year

    • Range - Start Date - End Date

As an example of using a date filter, when a chart is configured with Last Week – it will always pull Last Weeks data 

E.g. It’s currently workweek 48, a ‘Last week’ filter will Chart data pulled from week 47.

You can add additional filters to the top-level filter list. 

Filters can also be

  •  Custom Contact Variables 
  •  Questions in the survey itself - The options presented in the question can be applied as a filter.

A filter is indicated at the top of the Report by a Orange bar. 

Once a filter is applied to a chart - the chart will have an orange indicator bar at the bottom of the chart. Multiple charts can share the same filter and this is indicated by each chart that shares the filter will have an orange bar.  

To view available filters click the filter icon on a chart config page.

Once added - you can chart the data based on that filter. Filters by default are set to show all in the top-level filter. You can select a filter option via the filter drop down. 

In the example below, you can see an Aggregate report for individual agents being created. 

With survey responses in surveys - you can add these as a top-level filter. 

Only structured questions are available for selection - verbatim free text questions are not available.