If you are trying to report on, for example, response rates, you can use the % icon in the charts to determine this.

Example use case 

Here we have a usage Chart and we want to determine the response rate.

We can see the total count is shown by default so we

  • To change the view click the % icon.

The chart will now show each of the bars as a % of the column total.

  • To set a reference point select an option from the % drop-down menu. 

For example, if we want to report the response rate using the number of links created as a reference point, select links from the Column total dropdown.

The response rate will now show as a % of the number of links sent out. 

Understanding % and select questions. 

The % feature is calculated with the data that is available for this chart/question only. 

For example, let's say a survey has 100 responses. Let's say a Select question in the survey allows multiple choices e.g. select your top 3 reasons and let's assume all 100 people selected 3 items -  the % chart will calculate the % of each item based on 300 and not 100.