Basic HTML can be used in various places on the platform.

With basic HTML you can

  • Make a font bold
  • Change the colour of a paragraph
  • Include a link


Make some piece of text bold by wrapping the text with <b></b>

For example 

 - This text is in <b>bold</b>  

will result in 'This text is in bold'

Make a text paragraph change colour (red in this example)

<p style="color:red;">This is a paragraph in red.</p>

This is a paragraph in red

Top tip: you can replace red with HTML code #FF0000 (or any colour you would like!). The p HTML tag stands for paragraph and can be used in a lot of places.

Include a link to an external website

<a href="url">link text</a>

Where url is for example, 

Some other useful HTML tags

<h?> heading </h?>Heading (from h3 for largest to h4 for smallest)
<i> italic </i>Make text between tags italic

<u> underline </u>

Whitelisted markup

  • a
  • p
  • h3
  • h4
  • b
  • br
  • hr
  • i
  • ul
  • li
  • u