• The upload of records to the _TM TP will occur automatically because records from the source file of the original TP  created in Section 1 of this solution will be triggered from the original non_TM TP.

  • Some countries in production who create their own manual file, we need to manually force the NPA source file to upload into the original TP and create a rejected file, from which a maximum of 300 records will go into a source file that is sent to TM. 
    • Remember to have an NPA source file ready for this.

  • Select Data Upload into the 1st Call Queue then click Choose to find the NPA source file that you used to create the original TP.
  • Once the file name appears, click Upload

  • You should see a confirmation of the uploads.  
  • Wait approximately 5-10 minutes then check in the TP Master file history to confirm that rejected records were sent to trustMinder.

If this is the first time trustMinder has seen a file from this touchpoint it will be used in the NPA Wizard only (no surveys sent). If the touchpoint has been setup in trustMinder and it's the 2nd/subsequent time trustMinder has seen files from this TP, trustMinder will send the surveys at the scheduled time.