You can create a new NPA touchpoint from source (Follow the steps in Section 1) and then replicate it (Section 2) or if you have existing touchpoints you can jump to Section 2.  

The touchpoints listed in Table 1 can be used when setting up an NPA touchpoint in the NPA tool for automatic sampling with trustMinder.

You can send files manually to trustMinder and trustMinder will automatically send back responses once a touchpoint is a setup using the replicate method outline in Section 2 here.  


Login into NPA here: NPA production environment:


If you encounter an error, please take a print screen and log a ticket:

* If the error relates to NPA tool:

   Note for login: Domain: PFS_EXPRESS_COMMERCIAL and Project: NPA_EXPRESS

Section 1. Create an NPA touchpoint from source

  • Select TouchPoint Master from the Extraction Tool Configuration Menu 
  • Enter the Country and Business Unit in the Search Criteria. Note if you’re only assigned to one country the details will automatically default.

  • Select the Project Name that you want this TouchPoint to be under.
  • Select the TouchPoint Function and TouchPoint Category that describe the interaction that will be sampled under this TouchPoint.

  • Enter the Number of Records that should be uploaded into the TouchPoint if you want records to go into NPA 1st call queue into the No. of Records field. 
    • Note: If you only want records sampled via trustMinder set this number to 0 so no records go into the 1st call queue. Rather all customers will be sampled only by SMS/Email via the TrustMinder.
  • Enter the TouchPoint Name in the TouchPoint Name field and click “Browse” to locate the source file that should be used for this TouchPoint.  
  • Once the source file name displays in the Source File Name filed, copy and paste the Source File Prefix into the Source File Prefix field.

  • Click Save and Close then select 'Yes' to save the modifications.

After saving the new TP complete the Field Mapping

  • Part 1 on the left side of the screen handles records that will upload into the 1st queue or for the trustMinder records to be mapped to when they return to the 2nd call and analyst 1st call queue user interface. 
  • Part 2 on the right side of the screen handles records that will bypass the 1st queue and upload directly into the 2nd call queue. This will automatically be completed once the Touchpoint is replicated so leave it blank for now.

Field Mapping – TouchPoint Calls to Enter 1st Call Queue

  • The Customer Information and TouchPoint details displayed in the 1st Call & 2nd Call Screens can be configured by Mapping the information displayed in the source file to the Destination Fields.  
    • A Country Administrator selects the Destination Fields to be displayed to 1st and 2nd callers and analysts in the Page Configuration section of the tool. 

  • The various Destination Fields can hold different amounts of characters so you need to be mindful of which source field you select to map to the destination field. Refer to the chart below. 
  • Once you have your desired Source File fields mapped to the relevant Destination Fields click 'Save and Close'.

Criteria – Restricting the records that are uploaded or sent to trustMinder for sampling

  • Once you’ve completed and saved the Field Mapping you will receive a confirmation message that the action has been successfully performed.  
  • Click on the Criteria section to set up the TouchPoint Criteria

Criteria Creation

  • The Criteria sections allow you to filter which records you want to be sampled under a TouchPoint. 
  • Click the drop-down arrow under the Source Field and select the column from the source file that you want to filter on.
  • If criteria settings are left blank, any customer record contained in the source file will be available for sampling.
  • In the below example I want to upload records from the Invoice Query source file that have been resolved.  The column heading that holds this information in the source file is called Follow Up Action so I select this option from the Source Field drop-down list.  
  • Select the “Equal” from the Criteria drop-down list which will limit the records to the exact Value that I enter into the Value field, in this case, Resolved
  • To ensure maximum numbers of records are sent to trustMinder, set a criteria for the Telephone number to not contain blanks.  (Telephone is just an example here.. it could be contMnumber etc)

Section 2. Replicate an NPA touchpoint

  • Once the TP is created, click the pencil to edit TP. 

  • Once in edit mode –click the replicate button

  • An option 'For TrustMinder' will appear with a checkbox

  • Tick the 'For TrustMinder box' and ensure the number of records defaults to 0. 
    •  Note the TP name will end with _TM.  
  • Click Save And Close

Check that 2 TP’s were replicated, one with _TM & one with _TM_SMS

  • After saving the TP, you should see 2 new TP’s in the TP Master screen

  • Check the number of records for the TP_TM is set to 0
  • Check the number of records for the TP_TM_SMS is set to 99999

You are now ready to set up a trustMinder campaign in the NPA wizard

Once the NPA touchpoint is replicated  - the first file will be sent to trustMinder overnight (or can be manually triggered by uploading a source file to the 1st call queue). 

The first file is used by the trustMinder NPA Wizard. 

You will need to run the wizard to set up the touchpoint on trustMinder : See Solution 

Once setup on trustMinder the next file sent to trustMinder will be used to send surveys on a daily basis* 

Table 1 - Source files that can be automated on a daily basis