Quick Setup Video

Watch a quick video (40sec) of running the Wizard for a touchpoint replicated on the NPA tool.

The detailed step by step process is described below.

Steps Required Prior to using the NPA Wizard on trustMinder

1. Replicate touchpoint on NPA  - See the solution 

2. Wait until next day so that first file has been sent from NPA to trustMinder before logging into trustMinder*. 

    (We use this first file to setup and capture the column headers)

*The touchpoint file is sent daily but you can manually upload a source file for that touchpoint to trigger a file to be sent to trustMinder.

Step by Step Guide to Setting up the touchpoint on trustMinder


Recommended browser: Chrome    

  • If you are logging in from an IP address you haven't logged in before - you will see the following. 

  • Please read this solution about getting permission to login
  • Once in, trustMinder will check your timezone. If your browser has a different timezone to your countries account timezone you will be prompted to set the timezone. 
    • Set this to the timezone your customers are in. 

Start the wizard

  • Navigate to 'Campaigns' from the menu on the left-hand side. 
  • Click the yellow NPA Wizard button to start the Wizard.

Step 1. Select the touchpoint and contact filtering.

  1. Select the touchpoint name from the dropdown Touchpoint list. 
    • It should have the same name as the touchpoint created on the NPA tool. 
    • If it doesn't or is not present - please re-check your steps required prior to using the wizard i.e. replicating a touchpoint on the NPA wizard.
  2. Select the Channel to be SMS or Email 
    • This is the delivery channel of the survey to your customers. 
      • SMS will use the customers mobile number identified in Step 2. 
      • Email will use the customers email address identified in Step 2.
  3. Change the Number of surveys to your required quota 
    • This quota is associate with the daily file. For example, if you want to survey 100 people in the file every day set the Number of Records to be 100. The maximum is 300.
      • The maximum is 300 as this is the max number of records we receive in the CSV from the NPA tool. The column with telephone/mobile number numbers will also determine how many surveys will be sent. If the column has landline and mobile numbers only mobile numbers will be selected. 
      • With the quota set to 100 and an average response rate of 10% expect 10 contacts to be returned to the NPA
  4. [Optional]Additional Criteria can be added to filter data. It is assumed that the CSV file trustMinder received is already filtered by the NPA tool using criteria logic but you can add additional criteria here if needed. 
  5. Click the Next button when ready to proceed to the next step.

Step 2. Set NPA file format and mapping from contents

  1. Ensure the delimiter for the file is correct. 
    • The default delimiter is | but you can change this if needed
  2. CountryCode is shown - this cannot be changed. This should match the country code in the account name e.g. dhlexpressvn is the account name, the country code will be VN. CountryCode is used when sending SMS. trustMinder will identify valid mobile numbers for that country code.
  3. CSV map has the following options
    • Customer mobile number
      • Select the column header from the NPA file that corresponds to the customer mobile number. This is a searchable field. (required if SMS channel is selected in the first part of the wizard)
    • Customer email (required if EMAIL channel is selected in the first part of the wizard).
      • Select the column header from the NPA file that corresponds to the customer email. This is a searchable field. 
    • Customer name (used to personalise the invite/survey - not required)
  4. When finished press Next. 

Step 3. Set the Daily Schedule

By default

  1.  trustMinder sets the daily time to send surveys in the morning (in your local country timezone) but you can change this. 
    • We recommend it should be business hours. 
    • You can change this later by editing the Scheduler under Message
  2. trustMinder will send back survey responses it captured "Today" to the NPA at 00:01 ( your country's timezone) i.e. 1 minute after '@. 
    • Note: 'Today' means responses captured today - so if a survey was sent a few days ago and the customer decides to respond today, their response will be logged as today and not when the survey was sent out.

When finished press Finish - this completes the wizard setup. 

That's it!

You have now successfully created a campaign on trustMinder for the touchpoint but you might want to make some edits to the default survey e.g. change the language. 

Once the wizard is finished it will create a trustMinder campaign with default settings. The Wizard creates a branded DHL Survey (in English) with 4 questions and the SMS/Email invitation that is used to deliver the survey.  

What Happens Next


  • The next time trustMinder receives a CSV file for this touchpoint it will process the NPA TP file as determined by the filtering and quota and add these as contacts to the contact manager.
  • The contacts added "Today" will be sent a survey according to the scheduled time selected in the NPA wizard (e.g. 10.39). 
  • You need to have made and saved any changes to the default survey/invite made before the next daily CSV file arrives. 

It is assumed the NPA tool will send files on a daily basis to trustMinder. 

Every day trustMinder will return responses captured 'Today' to the NPA tool at 23.59 your time. 

General Notes on the CSV file format and touchpoint name

The setup file received by trustMinder will have the following format:


( more on Alpha 2 Country Codes: )

For example, if DHLExpress VN replicated a touchpoint and called it FTB the CSV file sent to trustMinder would look like:


The first time trustMinder receives a file for the FTB touchpoint from the NPA tool - this first file is considered to be the 'setup' file. The setup file is used by the wizard and determines the country, touchpoint name and the column headers.  It does not send surveys to people in the setup file. It will send surveys when it receives a touchpoint file for the 2nd time and subsequent times.