Set the Role

Pick a role for the new user

Based on the role different user settings will appear.


Set the username (required field) of the account. 

Profile Details

Set the users first name and surname.

Enter the user's email address. 

This is for password resetting. This is a required field. 

The mobile phone number is optional.


Email Bridge: if the account uses the email bridge (sending files via secure email transfer) the list of people listed in the email bridge access field will be the only people who can use the bridge. The default is blank (no-one)


You can set what features the user will have. Listed below are the features that can be enabled for a user account 

  • Outcomes - is the Outcome Manager. We recommend turning this on.
  • Routing - is the Routing Manager. We recommend turning this on.

Account Defaults (For Manager/User accounts)

  • At the bottom of each survey page, there is a 'Service by ...' this can set here.
  • The default SenderID for SMS can be set here. This is only a default and can be overwritten on a per-campaign basis.

Retention Periods 

These are set for you. 

Remember to press Save to update the changes