
We have retention periods for three items: 

  1. Contacts in the Contact Manager:  This is contact information stored in the Contact Manager. This specifies the number of days since you last sent a message to this contact before the contact is deleted from the contact manager
  2. Contact Files: If you transfer a file to the platform (email bridge/SFTP) it is stored encrypted at rest as a file. 
  3. Campaign Data: Setting this retention period will delete the survey response / historical data / SMS from the platform. The entire touchpoint will be lost and will not appear in reports (this includes survey responses). 

A guide to setting these retention periods: 

- Contacts Manager: Keep this contact data as long as you need it on the platform.

- Contact Files: We only need to process the file when we receive it - we don't need it after this. We recommend only having a couple of days (10) as the retention period.

- Campaign Data: We recommend keeping this data forever. It's completely anonymous and can be used for trend/historical analysis in the Insight manager. 

As you may notice you won't be able to set the retention period directly - this will be done by the System Administrator. Default, all retention periods are set to 'forever'. 

You can create a support ticket for these values to be set. 

Selecting PII

You can select Contact Personally Identifiable Information (PII) data on the platform.

Contact PII data could be an email address, a mobile number, an address, a name etc.

You might have other Contact PII and you can set them here. Contact PII set here will NOT be stored with the survey. This ensures that the Campaign Data is kept anonymous at the same time allows non-personal data to be used in the Insight Manager.