Other Settings

  • Post submission message - if you want to include a message once a survey is submitted you can set the message here. Basic HTML can be used here.
  • Flood protection - Count is the number of surveys from this campaign the customer can receive per Window. Window is a count in the number of days. In the example below the consumer will only receive 1 survey in 90 days no matter how many times the contact is processed by the platform
  • Genny Link - this link is used to capture feedback anonymously. Typically this used for websites or generic emails/tweets/Facebook messages. Once a Genny Link is clicked a blank survey for the campaign is generated
  • Copy - Copy the campaign and all its settings/configuration to a new campaign. Data captured with the campaign is not copied over to the new campaign.
  • Delete - Delete the campaign. Once it's deleted it's gone for ever. 
  • campaignID - this is a case-sensitive 3 letter identification that uniquely identifies this campaign. campaignID is used in API, SFTP and Email Bridge access. 
  • Direction - this is the direction of the text. By default it's Left-to-Right but it can be changed to Right-to-Left
  • CSV - This opens the settings for inbound CSV files (SFTP, Email bridge). See CSV solution for more details.