Custom Contact Variables and Uploaded Contact files

It's possible to add personalisation to any aspect of text in a campaign using Custom Contact Variables (CCV).

CCVs are set in the Campaign Designer with CCV placeholders. 

These placeholders are represented as {{{placeholdername}}}           (this follows the mustache formatting

An example would be "Hello {{{firstname}}}, do you live in {{{var1}}}?"

CCV's can be uploaded in CSV files. 

The CCV placeholder is the column header and the variable is listed in the row.

phone    firstnamevar1other
3538711111111RonanGalwayIreland Champs

CCVs allow you to include any placeholder you may have. There are no restrictions.

The link, when rendered would display the text: "Hello Ronan, do you live in Galway?"

Reserved CCVs

The following are reserved CCV names for the platform when uploading contacts via the Contact Manager.

  • first
  • surname
  • phone
  • email
  • group

If these CCVs are in an CSV/Excel file header the platform will automatically assign these. 

CCV Types

CCV's can have different types. 

  • String
  • Array
    • Need to specify a delimiter in the CCV Type manager in the contact manager.
  • Integer
  • Date
  • Booleen
  • Float

Setting the CCV type is completed in the Contact manager. See solution on 'CCV Type'.

Custom Contact Variables and the API

The placeholder CCV is populated by the contact parameter using API call and inside the "contact" object. 

For example:

The placeholders are only populated when the link created by the platform is clicked. CCV placeholders that don't have a corresponding value in the contact parameter will not be displayed.


Custom Contact Variables and Insights

CCVs can be used for text placeholders but a CCV can serve as a way of associating other metrics of your business with a survey. 

For example an agentID, call handling time, the account type, the average spend etc. can be associated with the survey.

Please note, these don't need to be shown/display. Instead they can be used to filter response data in the Insight Manager.

CCV's be used in breaking down a metric (e.g. NPS). 

For example if there was a CCV for 'Account Type'  which contains different names of account types e.g. Platinum and Black, NPS could be graphed as follows: